Students treated to makeup masterclass

6th April 2020

Theatrical Makeup students at Stratford-upon-Avon College have been treated to a masterclass in makeup artistry.

Professional Makeup Artist Roseanna Velin visited the College in early March to run a workshop with the students, providing them with practical demonstrations and guidance as they put new skills into practice.

A makeup artist and body painter with 10 years of professional experience in the UK and abroad, London-based Roseanna has worked in a wide variety of fields including fashion, advertising, film and TV, and teaching. Her impressive client list includes Disney, Wella and John Lewis Beauty, and her work has been published in magazines such as Vogue Italia, Marie Claire and Stylist.

Makeup masterclass
Makeup Artist Roseanna Velin (left) demonstrating techniques with College Makeup lecturer Mollie Mansell (right)

The College arranged the workshop in order to help prepare the students for their final major projects: Level 2 students had been given the theme of Carnival, with each student selecting a sub-theme of either Festival, Circus or Parade, while the theme given to the Level 3 students was The End of the World As We Know It, with a choice between Post-Apocalyptic or Futuristic for their sub-theme.

In her morning workshop, Roseanna demonstrated a carnival-themed look for the Level 2 students, focusing particularly on festival carnival makeup; she discussed the use of various products and imaginative techniques to create the desired look, including the application of gold leaf and gems to create decoration and 3D elements.

The afternoon session was devoted to the Level 3 students. Demonstrating a futuristic-themed look, Roseanna showed them how to create an out-of-this-world reality by applying specialist products to alter the shape of a human face and give the illusion of more futuristic or alien features.

In between the demonstrations, Roseanna discussed her work with the students, answering their questions and describing her own industry experiences, and after each session the students were able to put what they had learnt into practice.

Theatrical Makeup lecturer Charlotte Hollingworth commented: “Roseanna is a very inspiring Professional Make-up Artist, and the students always create great practical responses to her demonstrations. She has extensive industry experience in all areas of make-up artistry, and is so passionate about what she does. Having her here to visit us is a real privilege.

“The skills the students have learnt from this visit will help them develop, and they will take what they have learnt and build the skills into their own unique work.”

Find out more about our Theatrical Makeup course: Theatrical Makeup course