Acting students cause a revolution

5th April 2023

Acting students from Stratford-upon-Avon College brought revolution to the stage recently as they presented their latest performance at the Bearpit Theatre.

First year Acting students presented Zero; a play based on Britain during a civil war where the divide between the older and younger generations grew riotous.

revolution acting
Students performed in a spectacular production about revolution called Zero

The students created the performance by using skills developed during the first year of their course. The production involved seamless action moving from light humour to intense drama with the whole cast demonstrating impressive skills.

The students highlighted how it was great to be able to explore and deliver such an important piece of theatre. Eve Bannon commented: “It really opened our eyes! It was also worrying how significant this topic is as during our research we saw how relevant these stories are.”

Ciiara Baker said: “It shows that young people matter!” With Olivia Coltman adding: “It’s an extreme version but the play really makes you think about the world around us.”

It also was a great performance to develop their acting skills. Freddy Gresham detailed: “There were physical theatre sequences which I haven’t done before so it was a big learning curve!” Shania Hayles highlighted how everyone got to showcase strengths: “Every member of the class had something different to bring so it was fun to try and learn from everyone else.”

The performance showed the amazing talents that are being developed on the course; building up a range of theatrical skills and giving the students confidence to tackle such timely and significant issues.

Congratulations to the entire ensemble for creating such an important piece of theatre!

Find out more about the College’s Performing & Production Arts courses: SUAC Onstage