Art students showcase stunning work

16th August 2021

Art & Design students from Stratford-upon-Avon College delivered their annual Art Show a little differently this year, displaying their impressive work virtually for family, friends and the public to enjoy.

Art & Design Lecturer Joe Tyres showcased the wide-ranging skill of students, from drawing, moving image, painting, printmaking, photography and more in the following video.

Students explored a variety of themes, powerfully expressing their thoughts and ideas on issues such as climate change, protest, mental health and showing gratitude to the NHS.

Lecturer Joe comments: “The Art Show enables students to showcase their work to an audience giving them skills in presentation and realising their work in an exhibition. It also teaches them the practical element of displaying their art, such as hanging it up and the technical sides of that. It is a celebration of their hard work and I’m proud that they’ve managed to produce such fantastic art despite the challenges of the year.”

Find out more about the College’s Art & Design courses: Art & Design courses