Backstage Production Arts student bags place at RADA

3rd April 2024

A Backstage Production Arts student from Stratford-upon-Avon College is celebrating an unconditional offer to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA).

Astro Clack, 18 from Banbury, is ecstatic to be accepting a place on a three-year degree course to study Technical Theatre & Stage Management. RADA is a world leader in dramatic arts training and has courses to prepare the next generation of talent in areas such as acting, stage management, design and technical stagecraft.

astro's headshot
Astro is ecstatic to be going be accepting a place at RADA

Astro has always had a passion for theatre, performing in a variety of Musical Theatre shows growing up. However, Astro realised performing wasn’t for them, but still wanted to be involved in theatre making. After learning about the Backstage Production Arts course at Stratford-upon-Avon College, they decided that it was the perfect route.

Astro has immensely enjoyed studying on the Backstage Production Arts course at college: “It’s been great being around others who have a similar interest to me, I have had the chance to work on big shows, learnt and worked in multiple venues and have had the chance to work with great equipment.”

When thinking about next steps, Astro wanted to go to university: “I wanted to follow in the family footsteps of going to uni, plus I really liked the idea of moving to a new place.”

A friend’s brother was at RADA on the Technical Theatre & Stage Management course, and he loved it, so Astro decided to apply.

After a successful application, Astro was invited to an interview and workshop in London. They were ecstatic to be accepted on the course, with the usual course size only 20 students a year: “It’s very exciting! I’m so happy about it. To be learning in a place with such skilled teachers and working alongside those with a similar passion for tech is incredible.”

Astro is looking forward to study a broad course which will allow them to develop a wide range of skills: “This course will allow me to learn about a wide range of areas so then I can ensure I will follow a path that is right for me. Plus, I will get the chance to have work placements in the West End which is amazing.”

Astro working at a tech desk
Astro is passionate about all things tech and is looking forward to going to university

Backstage Production Arts lecturer, Louise Millward, is pleased for Astro: “We are all incredibly proud of Astro. Their professionalism and exceptional work ethic from the word go shows they deserve to go to a top school and that is evident by offers from multiple of the top institutions. We wish them luck for the future and know they will do incredibly well.”

Congratulations Astro!

Find out more about the College’s Backstage Production Arts course: SUAC Onstage