BBC Apprentices return to inspire media students

22nd February 2024

Two former Digital Media Production students from Stratford-upon-Avon College who progressed onto BBC apprenticeships came back to college recently to give current students an insight into their experience.

Lewis Hawkins and Becca Turrell both completed the Level 3 course in Digital Media Production and gained places on different BBC apprenticeships.

BBC apprentices visit students
It was great to welcome Becca and Lewis (centre left and centre right) back to the college to inspire current students

Lewis procured a Production Apprenticeship with the BBC Education Department in Salford. He works as a Junior Video Editor and Researcher and includes working on the YouTube and social media channels for CBBC, CBeebies and Newsround, with some of his work generating millions of views online.

During his time as an apprentice, he has also had a wealth of work experience opportunities including working on Eurovision, Radio 5 Live and Morning Live.

Becca works as a Production Apprentice at BBC Coventry & Warwickshire Radio and works on a range of areas including recording and editing social media content, attending events, going on locations with reporters and calling up contributors and fading them into live shows.

Both Lewis and Becca shared a range of examples of the work they do on their apprenticeship and then detailed the range of apprenticeships available within the BBC. They also discussed how apprenticeships work, top tips for applications and where to find more information.

They detailed skills and practises they learnt at college and how that is helping them professionally, for example, developing portfolios and reflective diaries.

Lewis was so pleased to be able to return to college to give this insight to current students. He comments: “I’m excited to be back here as I know this was something I would have loved to have when I was a student. So now I can be that person!”

Becca added: “It is so wonderful to be back! It’s interesting to be able to look at students who are in the position we were in and appreciate the progression.”

They were also proud to be advocates of the apprenticeship route. Lewis commented: “I know that if I had gone to university, I wouldn’t have been happy. So it’s good for students to know about different routes following college.”

Becca also knew an apprenticeship was the right route for her: “The people I have met on this apprenticeship have made such a difference and an impact, and I am so glad that this is the route I took.”

Digital Media Production lecturer, Sarah Downing, was so pleased to welcome Becca and Lewis back. She commented: “They both worked hard during their college course and I felt really proud to know that they are continuing to develop their skills with excellent apprenticeships which will put them in good positions for their chosen media careers. Becca and Lewis’ experiences have really inspired the current students. It has shown them that excellent opportunities are within their reach and the work they are completing on their media course will showcase their skills to potential employers.”

Find out more about the College’s Digital Media Production course: Digital Media Production course