A Day in the Life of an Apprentice
Friday, 18 March, 2016

By Faye Golding, Level 2 Business Administration Apprentice at Stratford-upon-Avon College

What does your typical day look like?

I kick start a Monday morning by searching on-line for any press articles we’ve been featured in. Well, after a coffee, of course! I work in the College marketing team so it’s important to track any mention of us in the media and display them in our Press Folder; you never know when we’ll have an important visitor to impress! I look after the admin in the office and make sure the team is filling out the correct paper work – no easy task, I can tell you! As well as answering phone calls and enquiry emails, I update our social media pages, keeping our followers up to date with everything that’s going on here. I might have to design promotional posters or leaflets and compose e-News letters. I also attend careers events regularly where I meet prospective students and parents. My job is so varied and every day there’s something new to do – which certainly keeps everything interesting.

What do you like best about your job?

I love being creative so I always jump at the chance to design flyers and posters for the College. It’s always great to hold the finished product in my hands and know that I was responsible for creating the whole design. It’s really rewarding to see them used to help promote the College. I also enjoy going to events at schools and careers fairs. Each one is different and it’s great to meet new people and chat to them about College life and the courses we offer, and about how we can help with their education.

Why did you decide to start an apprenticeship?

I was really keen to start working and earning money, and an apprenticeship was a great way to get into an exciting job that I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. I knew I’d gain so many new skills that I‘d never be able to learn in a classroom. I wanted to have more professional confidence too. I work five days a week doing a job that I love, gaining valuable work experience, earning money, and training towards a qualification – it’s an amazing opportunity.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start an apprenticeship?

Make sure you find the apprenticeship that’s right for you. Something that suits your own particular skills but that will also challenge you, and ensure you learn a lot. Make sure you prepare a good personal statement that tells the employer what experience you’ve had and what your goals are, as well as the kind of person you are. Also, you’ll be interviewed the same way you would for any job, so do lots of preparation beforehand – do research into the company and think what questions you could ask that will make you stand out from everyone else.

Would you recommend an apprenticeship to other people?

Without a doubt, I’d definitely recommend apprenticeships. I’ve learnt such a lot in just one year and gained skills that will help me throughout my whole life. My confidence has improved a lot too – I’ve gained much more belief in myself – I know I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it, which is great for both my career as well as my personal life.

Apprentice Faye Golding