Business students gain an insight into MI6

30th November 2023

Business students from Stratford-upon-Avon College recently received an insight into life in the civil service and how they could become a spy for MI6.

Careers Advisor for the Department for Working Pensions (DWP), Conrad Pffahler, visited the students and gave a presentation on working in the civil service, what civil servants do and about departments such as MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

department for work and pensions talk to business students
The students got an insight into life in the civil service

Business students took part in an observation test and problem-solving moon landing activity to see whether they had the hard and soft skills needed for roles in MI6 and to work as a spy.

The students found the session really enlightening with Bailey Casey commenting: “I really liked hearing about the different roles and when we had to work in teams on the problem-solving task.” Joe Black added: “It was great to get up and actively take part in different activities.”

Fiona Holland, Work Experience Co-Ordinator, was excited to welcome Conrad to the college as part of the students work experience opportunities: “It was great for the students to take part in this work experience activity. It focused on building employability skills and allowed them to learn about possible career paths in the civil service. We are trying to ensure that as well as getting students out into work experience placements, we are also providing a wealth of opportunities for external guests to speak to students within college; giving them the broadest range of learning experiences as possible.”

Find out more about the College’s Business courses: Business courses