Catering students a hit with home culinary creations

22nd February 2021

As lockdown closed the doors to Stratford-upon-Avon College’s training kitchens, Catering students continued refining their skills from home under the guidance of their lecturers.

Lecturers have found innovative ways to inspire and encourage students virtually and were delighted with the quality of work students have managed to create using their kitchens at home.

Among the many professional bakes and signature dishes that students have produced over the last few months, one Level 3 Pastry class decided to share their culinary creations of baked scones, macaroons and Florentines.

Hospitality and Catering lecturer, David Saul comments: “Students have been creating an impressive selection of dishes at home during this lockdown. Level 3 students used their planned scheme to dictate what they were making. It’s been key for all students to be encouraged to cook and experiment.”

Tutor and student cooking over stove
Hospitality & Catering Lecturer David Saul teaching at the College's industry standard training kitchen
Find out more about the College's Hospitality & Catering courses: Hospitality & Catering courses