College hosts Economy & Skills breakfast

15th July 2024

Stratford-upon-Avon College was delighted to host the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s Economy & Skills breakfast.

The event, which was delivered in partnership with Prime Accountants Group, and was the first post-election Economy & Skills event following the General Election, was a place for businesses, policymakers, educators and skills professionals to meet and discuss the landscape of the economy on a local and national scale and generate ideas for skills development.

panellists and speakers from the chamber breakfast
Photo provided by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

Beginning with a welcome and introduction from Corin Crane, Chief Executive for the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, there was then an introduction to the College by Assistant Principal Sandra White which showcased the facilities on campus plus the impact the College has on the local skills market.

This was followed by a UK Economic Update, delivered by UK Economist Emma Wilks from HSBC which included insights into inflation rates, economical forecast and how political stability could drive investment and growth.

To finish the session, Corin Crane led a panel discussion featuring panellists Jason Aldridge, Managing Director from Arrowsmith Engineering, Paul Guise, Director of Prime Accounting Group, Nadia Davies, Director of Business Development at Stratford-upon-Avon College, Lisa Hughes CFO at the Royal Shakespeare Company and Emma Wilks, UK Economist HSBC UK.

They covered topics such as the cost of doing business, labour supply and recruitment and government policy with opportunities for comments and questions from the audience.

Here are some photos from the event

This was an important event and a fantastic opportunity for networking and discussions regarding the economical landscape and ways to develop training, recruitment and growth opportunities.

Corin Crane said: “It was an absolutely fascinating morning, with a hugely insightful panel discussion. The Government’s growth agenda is one that businesses support but it’s crucial that we keep talking to and listening to companies of all sizes and sectors to ensure that the issues that are holding them back can be understood and resolved.”

Director of Business Development Nadia Davies was delighted that the College was able to support this event by hosting it on campus. She commented: “We were delighted to host the event as bringing these key stakeholders together sparks conversations and connections that will ultimately shape the future of skills development and economic growth in the region. It is always wonderful to wow employers with what goes on behind the walls at our campuses and showcase our state-of-the-art facilities.”

She continued: “These events are a catalyst for collaboration and partnerships. For the college and businesses alike, it is essential to keep up to date with macro and micro developments, ensuring that education and industry keep ahead of the game, contributing positively to economic growth.”

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