College students ‘Promo It!’

14th February 2019

Stratford-upon-Avon College students have been forging strong links with local businesses and charities by producing promotional videos and radio shows as part of their latest course assignment.

The Creative Media students have been working with clients in the Stratford area, including Gorgeous Obsession beauty salon, Lifeways natural health charity and Pashley Bicycles.

The project forms the students’ “Promo It!” assignment at College, and the learners found that working with employers on real-world commissions had a huge impact on their self-confidence, which Creative Media lecturer Sophie Jolly believes is extremely important for their employability and higher education futures.

Media students working on the promotional video for Forest of Hearts

Matt English, 17 from Honeybourne, produced a promotional video for Forest of Hearts, an organisation promoting accessible and sustainable agroforestry. Discussing his experience working on the project, Matt said “I enjoyed working with an actual company as this was something I hadn’t done before. It was a good experience as we had to act completely professionally and make sure we were meeting their needs at all times.”

James Pavitt, Manager at Lifeways natural health charity, set four students the task of creating a promotional video and was delighted with their work. Commenting on their professionalism, James said “The students were wonderfully proficient, communicated everything in very good time and were polite and sensitive to our needs. They felt exactly like a professional film crew and I would jump at the chance to work with them again.”

To thank all of the clients who worked with the students, the College is holding an open screening of the finished projects so they can be premiered to a wider audience.

Every client who participated has been invited, and the event is open to all other local businesses and media outlets so they can sample how the College Media team may be able to help with future promotional opportunities. The screening will be held on Wednesday 27th February 10.00 – 12.00pm at the College.

If you would like to attend, please contact Sophie Jolly at

Find out more about the College’s Digital Media Production courses: Digital Media Production courses