A Digital Media Production student from Stratford-upon-Avon College has scored the perfect work experience placement as he produces media content for local football club, Stratford Town FC.
Alex Daltrey, who is in the second year of the College’s Digital Media Production course is enjoying creating media content for the football club after signing up for a work experience project and is now continuing to create media for them.

Alex is pleased to be working with the club: “I’m a big fan of football so doing this kind of placement is incredibly rewarding.” The work includes recording and editing full-length games plus creating highlights packages.
He is excited to have had the opportunity: “It is great to be getting practical experience. It’s local to me, it’s football and it’s a great addition to my CV. I want to move forward as a freelancer, so this has been a fantastic opportunity.”
He continued: “It was wonderful being able to use my experiences and skills from my course at college like project management, administration, communication and camera work and then build on them on this job. It has also given me the chance to develop more skills: I’ve learned more about broadcasting and using a different style of editing.”
The club’s commercial Director Mick Parsons commented in a recent press release about why they are pleased to be working with Alex and the College: “It started as part of a work experience exercise but has now become a mutually beneficial and exciting partnership with the local college in Stratford. It’s a win-win situation, the students benefit by gaining experience in a fast-paced industry and the club benefits from the help and fresh ideas the students bring.”
Digital Media Production lecturer, Sarah Downing, is delighted that the experience has been so beneficial: “I’ve been really impressed with Alex’s involvement with this work experience. It’s incredibly rewarding to see Alex applying his production skills to professional projects and enjoying his work.”
She also highlighted the importance of work experience opportunities: “It is incredibly valuable because it provides learners with an opportunity to develop their skills in a real environment, either in a workplace setting or producing work for a client. This also enhances their CV and showreel to support future employment.”
Well done Alex, with experiences like this you are sure to reach your career goals!