Fashion students immerse themselves in virtual reality

15th February 2023

Fashion students from Stratford-upon-Avon College are keeping up to date with the latest technology as they experiment using virtual reality in the classroom.

Students participated in sessions led by College Learning Technologist, Emily Cossey, who demonstrated how to use the virtual reality (VR) headsets. Students initially experimented with the capabilities of the programme before using it to help design their final projects.

The students had fun using the VR headsets

The College has used the VR headsets in many other subject areas, but this is the first time it has been introduced to the Fashion department. The headsets allow students to experience environments and tools that they can’t usually in a classroom.

Emily commented: “Working this way can be helpful for a range of subjects but for fashion specifically there are a whole host of applications. 360 virtual fashion is becoming commonplace and AR Filters (where computer generated images can be put on top of real-world images) are used every day on apps like Snapchat and TikTok. Moreover, lots of companies are thinking more sustainably and designing online without the need to create multiple protypes, which can mean less wastage and even the potential for 3D printing of clothes means a more sustainable way of producing fashion.”

The students created some great designs

The students really enjoyed the opportunity to try 3D painting. Hannah Brotherhood found the experience extremely fun: “It is my first time using this type of technology and it’s a fun way to experiment. I just completed work experience in Next and they were using digital avatars for cutting patterns. This is the area of fashion I want to go into therefore learning these skills at college is extremely useful.”

Amelia Grubers added: “I want to go into Fashion Design/Fashion Communication so this is a really handy skill to use that I can directly apply to the career I want to go into.”

Fashion lecturer, Louisa Figus, detailed why this type of session is beneficial for students: “A lot of our students are opting for careers in Fashion Communication, Pattern Cutting and Design and more and more are using a 4D method of designing. The virtual world is becoming increasingly prominent, so we want to equip our students with the necessary skills to prepare them for the industry. Moreover, college is a great time for students to be able to experiment.”

Find out more about the College’s Fashion courses: Fashion course