Fashion students make design connections

30th November 2021

Fashion students from Stratford-upon-Avon College have finished their final projects for 2021 – creating exquisite pieces on the theme of connections.

Throughout the term, students have explored topics including equality and diversity in fashion, art in fashion, printing, sewing, customisation and more. For their final piece, they could then choose their themes and connect them through their creations.

Lottie designed and made a gorgeous piece using Eastern cultural connections; the coat was striking as part of a photoshoot. Serin’s work used themes of family, costume and art to produce the wonderful blue dress. Zara was inspired by AI and technology for her creative top.

The students created a range of beautiful work and really enjoyed the project. Sam Hopgood designed a T-shirt based on art and surrealism, commenting: “I’ve never been interested in art before as I have never really been exposed to it. But these types of workshops as part of our fashion course at College have opened my eyes to and got me really interested in new areas”.

Codie Davis wants to pursue costume design for film and TV so created a transformation dress. She commented: “I researched into the area and realised transformation outfits are common in the industry. Also, it meant I could challenge myself as you are really making two dresses!”

Louisa Figus, fashion lecturer, highlighted why choosing their own final projects is so good for the students: “Since the students choose their own projects, it can develop their creative problem solving as they make all the decisions. It also means they can choose an area they may want to pursue at university which helps personal career development”.

To see more of what the fashion students get up to, follow them on Instagram @suacfashion1.

Find out more about the College’s Fashion course: Fashion course