Former apprentice runs away with the circus

22nd August 2022

A former Catering Apprentice from Stratford-upon-Avon College has taken their culinary skills and ran off to the circus.

Tara Hopper had always loved cooking but initially didn’t consider it a viable career option as she hadn’t attended culinary school. However, at 26 she attended the College as part of her Level 2 Commis Chef Apprenticeship and her Level 3 Chef de Partie Apprenticeship which took place at The Fuzzy Duck pub in Armscote. After the completion of her qualifications, she was offered a Head Chef position at MOR Bakery where she took on her own apprentice before moving on to Nancy’s Kitchen where she ran a Supper club.

Photo on left credited to Nick Warner, photo on right credited to Ols Halas

Tara became aware of the Giffords Circus last year after buying a cookbook written by the late founder of the Circus, Nell Gifford, and the Circus Chef, Ols Halas. After following them on social media, she saw them advertise Chef Jobs as part of their travelling restaurant Circus Sauce.

Tara describes how the interview was a surreal experience: “Getting a tour around the barn with the practise ring, seeing all wagons in the workshop for maintenance and touch ups – and to be honest, it didn’t even occur to me the gravity of this place, and the fact in was going to be my future workplace.”

She continued: “I have always been a fan of the circus in general, from first seeing a Chinese Circus when I was a kid, and I think it came as no surprise to my parents and friends when I informed them I had been offered the position of Head Chef of Circus Sauce and would be touring with them for the best part of a year.”

The restaurant can seat 72 and travels round the country with the Circus; getting taken down and put up at every new ground. This is accompanied with two food wagons. One sells café style items like bacon sandwiches, coffee and burgers and the other is a Mexican Cantina (matching the theme of this years show; the sights and sounds of rural Mexico).

Circus Sauce is a fine dining restaurant in a tent. Tara has found the adjustment from her previous work at MOR bakery and kitchen interesting, as though the hours are typical for that in hospitality, the taking up and packing down everything, coupled with moving every one to two weeks, makes the job unique.

Tara has been able to utilise her former training as well as learn new skills: “I have been able to use a lot of my training from the Fuzzy Duck and almost go back to my ‘fine-dining’ roots, to help create interesting and exciting dishes for our customers. Also I have already been able to work with incredible chefs such as French baking legend Richard Bertinet, learning new techniques in bread making.”

Life in the circus has been a change for Tara: “It’s definitely been a big life adjustment, working and living in the same place, that isn’t always the same place! I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been a struggle at times, but I think this year it’s been an important chance to challenge myself and look towards my future and the path I want to take in furthering my career. I have been able to experience some amazing food around the country and I have made some wonderful friends; I have a great team around me, who are always keen to get out and explore the new grounds, go foraging for ingredients we can use in our food and equally help pick you up when you inevitably have a bad day. Living and working with the circus has become a little community, where we each have our roles to play in making this whole operation tick over smoothly.”

Tara has been able to experience amazing food and made wonderful friends

Food and Beverages Manager for Gifford Circus, Greg Knight, is so pleased to have Tara on the team: “From the moment myself and Ols Halas (Executive Chef) met Tara, we knew she was the right fit for our team. Her enthusiasm for the role and her knowledge has made a huge difference to the team, especially with her organisational skills and dedication to the role as head chef.

Tara quickly earned the respect of the rest of her team, including our Executive Chef, who will acknowledge the huge impact she has had on the dynamic of the team and the changes she has implemented since joining. Overall, she has become a huge asset to Giffords Circus.”

Tara comments on how her apprenticeship at Stratford-upon-Avon College has prepared her for her career: “With Stratford being a local college, to the area I was working in, it made sense to approach them about my desire to develop my skills whilst working in the industry I loved. And I continued there with my level 3 thanks to the support from Jim and Bryan (college staff), who understood my passion for food, and let me push myself further in my exams and within the classroom too – often letting me take on projects that were possibly a bit too ambitious for my skill level, but really allowed me to follow my ambitions and try some more interesting creations instead of sticking with the curriculum in parts. Which in part has encouraged me to be more creative in my work, and given me a greater understanding of flavour combinations and cooking techniques. I have now been a chef for 5 years, 2 of those as a Head Chef, and I attribute a lot of my success and speedy climb of the career ladder to the support I have received from Jim and Bryan in my training!”

It’s wonderful to see Tara’s career going from strength to strength; with her hard work and determination she definitely hasn’t been clowning around to get where she is today!

Find out more about the College's apprenticeships: Apprenticeships