Foundation Learning students host Easter Sale

28th March 2024

Foundation Learning students from Stratford-upon-Avon College have been in the Easter spirit utilising their business skills to host an Easter themed sale.

Students on the Foundation Learning course created a whole host of Easter inspired goodies and sold them at an event which also included a raffle and refreshments.

foundation learning students host easter sale
Foundation Learning students were egg-static to host an Easter sale!

The students ran this as part of their Access to Independence and Enterprise modules allowing them to build skills in money management, creativity, production and delivery. Students made all items themselves including mosaic garden coasters, bunnies in a box, wooden bird houses, hanging decorations and plant pot decorations.

They also made Easter citrus biscuits in the shape of bunnies, eggs and chicks to go along with teas and coffees which the students also served.

To top it off, they also hosted an Easter raffle with incredible donations from local businesses including Osco’s Café at Blenheim Nurseries, Hillers Garden Centre Café and Stratford Garden Centre.

Check out some of the egg-cellent products on offer and photos of the event in action

The students really enjoyed the experience. Katy Swallow commented: “I loved making the coasters, it was really fun!”. JJ Sebastian added: “Doing the mosaics was the best for me. I love being creative.”

Foundation Learning lecturer, Nina Charles, was incredibly proud of the students’ work: “They have worked really hard on this project. They have produced a self-funded business and developed their enterprising skills. Plus, by hosting the event they have been able to practise their customer service skills which supports the part time jobs they hold outside of college. It’s been a fantastic event, and we couldn’t be prouder of them.”

All money made from the event will go directly back into their business lessons where they can put it towards their next business venture.

Find out more about the College’s Foundation Learning courses: Foundation Learning