Icing on the cake for young chefs

21st December 2018

Pupils from Stratford Primary School experienced the world of the catering industry when they visited Stratford-upon-Avon College to tour its professional kitchens, view culinary demonstrations and even have a go at creative cake decorating.

This term, the primary students are learning all about food – where it comes from and how it’s prepared – as part of the learning topic ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’.

Benefiting from a school-college partnership, the pupils spent the day at Stratford-upon-Avon College, where Catering lecturers Dave Saul, Rob Cook and Debianne Wallis taught lessons to broaden the young pupils’ knowledge of the catering industry and led a tour of the campus’ specialist teaching environment available to students studying to work in the industry.

young chefs icing the cake

After a demonstration from the College lecturers, the students decorated their own cupcakes with icing and colourful sprinkles, and were allowed to take the cakes home with them.

Rob believes the pupils’ visit provided a tremendous opportunity. “It’s so important to inspire a love of cooking and baking in pupils while they are at a young age, so my colleagues and I were delighted to be able to give them an insight into food preparation and catering. Some of them will become the chefs of tomorrow.”

Stratford Primary teacher Jo Ingate commented: “Our pupils had a wonderful time at the College. They learnt such a lot about food and catering from spending time in a truly professional environment, and particularly loved having the opportunity to decorate their own cakes. A huge thank you to everyone involved who helped make their day so informative and enjoyable.”

Find out more about the College’s Catering courses: Catering courses