Joseph’s technicolour technicians visit college

28th November 2022

Backstage Production Arts students from Stratford-upon-Avon College received a visit recently from hit musical Joseph & the Technicolour Dreamcoat’s backstage crew.

Amy Moore, a former student at the College, worked as a Technical Swing on the musical’s tour and came back to the college to speak to current students about life on a touring production.

Amy and Liam
Former student Amy returned to speak to current students with colleague Liam

She was ecstatic to visit the College: “I was happy to come back to share my knowledge with the next generation!” She was joined by Liam Sayer who was Head of Lighting on the production and together they were able to describe the range of work that goes into a tour of this scale.

Joseph’s technicolour technicians visit college
Amy and Liam gave the students an insight into working on a tour

The session began with a presentation describing their roles, the types of jobs on the tour and what a typical week would look like as a technician. Liam highlighted: “It is a lifestyle rather than a job.” They also both gave advice on how to succeed in this career. Amy advised: “Be confident!” and Liam suggested: “Be as multi-skilled as you can and talk to as many people in the industry as you are able.”

This was followed by a Q&A session where the students could ask questions about the industry. Amy was extremely happy with the session: “It was really fun, and I enjoyed it! The questions were great!”

Student Astro Clack commented: “It was great seeing what it is actually like working in theatre and learning about the lifestyle.” Jay Bailey added: “It’s so interesting getting industry professionals in as you don’t see technicians during a show so it’s great to learn about what they do in more detail.”

Amy and Liam with students
The students found the visit really engaging

Backstage Production Arts lecturer, Lou Millward, was happy to welcome Amy back to the college: “Amy was such a good student so seeing her thrive in the industry is wonderful. It was great to have her and Liam in to give such useful insights to the current students too.”

Find out more about the College’s Performing & Production Arts course: SUAC Onstage