Local apprentice set to fly high in business world

30th August 2019

A local apprentice has flourished in his work-based training, and his professionalism and ambition are leading to a blossoming future career.

Lewis Protheroe, 20 from Stratford-upon-Avon, recently completed a Business Administration Apprenticeship with Stratford-upon-Avon College, working at utility solutions consultancy TUSC, a Stratford-based company which facilitates the connection of utilities at clients’ sites and premises.

Seizing the opportunity to gain a qualification from workplace experience rather than academic education, Lewis started his apprenticeship pathway in 2016 when he joined TUSC, and progressed through Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications with flying colours. He is grateful to the College for its invaluable support throughout his apprenticeship: “The College apprenticeship team supported me tremendously. They provided help instantly whenever I had any issues with the assignments I was completing.”

Apprentice Stratford-upon-Avon College
Stratford-upon-Avon College apprentice Lewis Protheroe

Lewis now works as a full-time employee at the company. He so impressed TUSC’s management that, upon completing his work-based training journey two months ago, he was promoted to Project Manager, with responsibility for overseeing the connection of utilities such as electricity, telecoms, gas and water to clients’ sites.

In addition, he acts as a mentor to TUSC’s latest apprentice, newly-recruited Daisy: “I’ve shown Daisy how TUSC operates as a business and I’ve talked with her about the progression opportunities that are available here. I’ve tried to help by explaining aspects of the apprenticeship that I found challenging myself, and how to balance College apprenticeship work with responsibilities at TUSC.”

Charlotte Gist, Chief Financial Officer at TUSC and Lewis’s Apprenticeship Mentor, is full of praise for their former apprentice: “Lewis has progressed immensely so he’s been a big benefit to us. His communication skills have developed hugely, and he improved his ICT skills through the College while he learnt what’s required in the business world from us. “

TUSC, who have been employing apprentices for the past five years, are firm believers in the benefits of the apprenticeship system. Charlotte commented, “Taking on an apprentice is definitely worth doing – it’s a great opportunity to bring young people straight into industry and the only way to train them to work in a business environment.”

And as for Lewis himself, he has firm plans for his future career: “I want to progress to a senior role at TUSC. I want to keep on expanding my knowledge and progress as high as I can.”

Find out more about the College's Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships