Local Youth Centre benefits from college collaboration

14th January 2022

Digital Media Production students from Stratford-upon-Avon College have collaborated with a new local Youth Centre in Stratford for their TV news broadcast project.

As part of their course, students Victoria Humphries, Jess Left and Rocco Mareri were assigned a project to produce a news broadcast suitable for young people. The group decided to focus on things young people can do in Stratford-upon-Avon.

It was something that the group felt passionately about. Victoria commented: “Stratford does cater a lot to older people, so we want to bring attention to what is on offer to young people and their parents. We also hope that it will highlight there is more to do to engage young people so local councillors will see things need to be built up.”

Students at Youth Centre
The students were able to see what the Youth Centre had on offer

The new Youth Centre is situated in the old H&M building in Bell Court. It opened at the end of November and operates every Thursday night from 3.30 until 7pm. It is aimed at 13-18 year olds and is free to attend. The centre came about from a joint bid for funding from Escape Arts and Life Space Trust. It is run by Youth Worker Co-ordinator Sarah Cowley-Catchpole and Youth Project Worker Nick McCarthy and supported by Escape workers and volunteers.

Sarah was incredibly happy to have the Digital Media Production students report on the Youth Centre: “It has already had an amazing effect. From their posting on social media we have already seen conversations starting with young people which is great! Our aim is to consult with young people and give them a voice.”

Sarah is excited for more collaboration with the College: “As well as being a Youth Centre, we really want to have a creative community hub for everyone that is managed by young people. We would love to see performances and art exhibitions here so we hope the work with the Digital Media Production students will lead to that!”

Sophie Jolly, Digital Media Lecturer, is very excited for this new relationship: “We are always looking for different experiences for our students; for new partnerships and opportunities to work collaboratively. It is great to build local links and to have something so focused on young people.”

For more information on the Youth Centre visit their website (www.escapearts.org.uk) and follow them on Instagram: @escape_arts.

Find out more about the College’s Digital Media Production courses: Digital Media Production courses