Make Up students assist fire service training

10th November 2021

Make Up for Stage and Screen students from Stratford-upon-Avon College recently took part in a work experience activity where they helped create realistic injuries for a training rescue scenario for the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service.

Pleasure Boat Fire
A dramatic pleasure boat fire was staged

A group of second-year students travelled to Symonds Yat on the River Wye to take part in a training scenario that included rescuing people from a pleasure boat fire. The Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service use these opportunities to practise essential lifesaving procedures. They were also joined by local paramedics. The students were asked to create realistic injuries, like burns, blisters and smoke damage, to make the scenario as real as possible.

The students used make-up to create injuries on the arms and faces of the actors

After working on creating the injuries some of the students even got to try their hand at acting. The students really enjoyed the day, with one commenting: “We studied casualty make up as a topic in our first year so it was really good to be able to apply what we have learnt.” Due to the pandemic, the students were unable to participate in work experience opportunities last year, so this was a great chance to apply their work outside of the college and start adding to their CV.

Marc Mercer, Watch Commander for the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service, thanked the students for their involvement, commenting: “I would just like to thank you the students for their assistance with the Hereford and Worcester Fire Service with the Exercise at Symonds Yat. Their involvement very much enhanced the Exercise, both with the make-up and acting skills.”

To see more of what the Make up for Stage and Screen students get up to, follow them on @suacmakeup.

Find out more about the College’s Make Up for Stage and Screen course: Make up for Stage & Screen course