Make Up students explore fairy tales and disaster

25th March 2022

Make Up for Stage & Screen students from Stratford-upon-Avon College got creative for their projects recently with first years creating casualties from disasters and second years finding inspiration from fairy tales.

Students used a range of skills to create looks for their projects. First year students took inspiration from natural disasters and had to produce looks inspired by casualties. They were able to pull on skills learnt from their casualties module and created a range of injuries from events like tsunamis, zombie attacks, nuclear disaster, fires and acid attacks to name a few.

The students created realistic injuries from a range of disaster scenarios

Second year students took inspiration from tales, with most pulling from stories by Hans Christian Anderson and The Brothers Grimm. This allowed the students to use the darker versions of the fairy tales and created looks for the Ugly Stepsister, The Ugly Duckling and Rapunzel.

The second year students were inspired by fairy tales for their projects

The students found the projects really interesting. Second year student Maddy Foley enjoyed how she could take ownership of the project: “I like how you could go in any direction with the project; it offered a lot of creative freedom.”

Natasha Witte based her look on a combination of Hans Christian Anderson tales: “I merged the stories of The Ugly Duckling and the Garden of Paradise. I like how I could combine and contrast the ugly and the beautiful.” She also commented on how the course has helped her develop her skills which helped with this project: “Both lessons in face painting and my drawing and designs in sketch form have helped develop my technical skills and creativity. I was also able to use a workshop we had on creating accessories to add to the overall look.”

Natasha created a full look inspired by the Ugly Duckling and the Garden of Paradise

Make Up lecturer, Charlotte Hollingworth, commented: “These projects allow the students to be creative and use a combination of make up and special effects skills they have developed throughout the year to create their final projects. These projects give the students ownership of the look as they make all the choices.”

To see more of the student’s work, follow them on Instagram.

Find out more about the College's Make Up for Stage & Screen courses: Make Up for Stage & Screen courses