Make Up students master masquerade & mythology

27th April 2021

Make Up for Stage & Screen students at Stratford-upon-Avon College have been sharing the inspiration behind their Final Major Projects.

Drawing upon the skills and expertise that they have acquired throughout their 2-year course, the students offered a glimpse into their imaginative minds as they shared their mood boards and looks inspired by mythology, masquerade, criminology, fantasy and more.

Credits left to right: Charlotte Wood, Jessica Ashe, Sarah Thorp, Rose James

Discussing why she chose this course, student Charlotte Wood comments: “I attended the College open event and tutors showed me sketchbooks full of creative make-up looks which I found inspiring, so I decided this is the course I want to do.”

For their final major project (FMP), students initially explore 10 different themes of their choice and boil it down to 1 or 2. Student Faye Storey explains: “You have to do in-depth research of your themes because that research is what you then bring to life through your various make-up looks. You need to show evidence that you understand the theme and have explored all elements of it.”

Faye chose the theme of criminology for her FMP and was so moved by her research that she decided it may be a field she looks to move into in the future: “I think it’s great because the FMP allows you to choose and discover what you’re more passionate about.”

Credits left to right: Jessica Ashe, Faye Storey’s Mood Board, Jessica’s Mood Board, Faye’s Criminology inspired Make Up Wound

Students devote their attention to one make-up look per week in order to develop the ideal looks for their project. The process begins with a ‘face chart’ where students get their look down on paper before moving to a mood board which allows them to further explore various colours, art, and themes. The whole process is documented step-by-step.

Student Jessica Ashe, who opted for sea creatures as her FMP theme hopes to continue studying Make Up for Stage & Screen after College. She comments: “It’s nice to have the freedom to do what you want creatively with a healthy balance of structure and exploring your own passions.”

Find out more about the College’s Make Up for Stage & Screen course: Make up for Stage & Screen course