Media students take projects to the cinema screen

15th July 2022

Digital Media Production students from Stratford-upon-Avon College went to the movies recently as their work was shown on the big screen at the local Cinema.

The students have created a whole host of material as part of their course and to celebrate the end of the academic year, staff, students, and families were invited to the exclusive event. Though usually held at the College, this year for the first time, it was held at the Everyman Cinema in Stratford-upon-Avon town centre.

The screening was held at the Everyman Cinema in Bell Court

The screening comprised of a whole range of work produced by first and second-year students from the Level 3 and Level 4 courses. The content included TV, film, photography, documentaries, live action and animation and showed off the range of media covered by the course.

The work was incredible. Student Abigale Pegler’s stop motion piece called Seasons of a Snail was charming and creative. Harvey Murtagh delved into the world of documentary making and created a documentary focused on Tricking; a competitive gymnastic like sport.

Work was also shown that was created with external practitioners, with the experimental film created with BAFTA winning animator Greg McLeod and comedy sketches created with Director Sami Abusamra.

The students created an amazing range of work

The screening was followed by an awards ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the students. Awards were given for Best Editor, Best Actor and Best Director among others. Also, an award was given for student of the year for each year group with Natalie Piddington, Lewis Hawkins and Ash Ward winning for their years.

The students won awards across a range of categories. Check out some of the winners above

Lewis Hawkins was so pleased to have won an award: “It was very unexpected but a really nice achievement to round of a wonderful College experience!”

Sarah Downing, Digital Media lecturer, was so excited to celebrate with all the students: “The students have stepped up after the difficult challenge of the past couple of years. The professionalism in their approach has been incredible and I’m really proud of what they have achieved.”

Take a look at some examples of the students work:

Ash Ward created an audio documentary which looks at the history of VFX. You can listen to the documentary here.

Students who have reached the end of their courses are progressing on to a range of pathways including university, apprenticeships and heading straight into the world of work. We can’t wait to see the amazing work they are sure to create!

Find out more about the College's Digital Media Production courses: Digital Media Production courses