Musical Theatre student is LEAPing into action

23rd January 2023

A Musical Theatre student from Stratford-upon-Avon College has become a LEAP Ambassador for the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

Lucie Hazzard, 17 from Hall Green, is currently a second year Musical Theatre student who is passionate about all areas of performing. She learnt about the chance to work with the Birmingham Royal Ballet as a LEAP Ambassador at a careers fair and thought it would be an excellent opportunity.

Lucie hazzard credit to Paul Telfer
Photo credit to Paul Telfer

LEAP Ambassadors are a group of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who are selected via an application process for the Royal Ballet’s professional and personal development programme led by the Learning Engagement, Access & Participation department.

The role offers the opportunity for their ambassadors to look behind the scenes, experience practical projects, develop new skills and meet new people as well as become a part of a vibrant arts organisation.

Lucie will have the chance to participate in group training sessions and receive insights into various roles and departments within the industry including Company Management, Technical Production, Digital Content, Events Management and more. She has just been assigned her first shadowing role which will be in Stage Management.

Lucie has also has already been able to watch performances at the Birmingham Royal Ballet including the Nutcracker. She was incredibly pleased to have the chance to review this production with her review being featured on the Birmingham Royal Ballet website; which you can read here.

group shot from royal ballet
Lucie and her fellow ambassadors watching the Nutcracker. Photo credit to the Birmingham Royal Ballet

Lucie is delighted for this opportunity: “It’s so great to get an insight into this environment; learning what it is like on a real show in a professional setting. It is such a special opportunity and I feel privy to a whole other part of the industry. Also, the Birmingham Royal Ballet is such a prominent company and dance is such a beautiful form of art and expression. I’m looking forward to being able to give back to the arts community in Birmingham as well as share my appreciation for it.”

Hannah MacGregor, LEAP Ambassadors Programme Coordinator for the Birmingham Royal Ballet, details the benefits of a programme like this: “The LEAP Ambassadors programme is beneficial to young people who are interested in pursuing a career within the arts, particularly those who are inquisitive about ‘behind the scenes’ job roles and wish to develop their knowledge around the various departments which form a large arts organisation. We pride ourselves on being able to offer tailored hands-on experience which allows young people to explore their creative curiosity, develop their learning and inspire them to pursue a career in the arts they are passionate about. Our most recent success story is a former LEAP Ambassador has got a new job working for Arts Council England as an Administrator. We are excited to be working with another fantastic cohort for this season and look forward to seeing what they achieve on the programme and beyond.”

Lucie will be an ambassador for a year alongside her final year of study at college where she is enjoying preparing for her drama school auditions.

*If you are aged 16-25 and interested in becoming a BRB LEAP Ambassador then keep an eye out for when applications open in autumn for the 23/24 season. For more details please email

Find out more about the College’s Performing & Production Arts courses: SUAC Onstage