Photography student helps deliver random acts of kindness

29th February 2024

A Photography student from Stratford-upon-Avon College recently took part in a work experience placement which focused on delivering random acts of kindness.

Jacob Walmsley-Jones, 19 from Stratford-upon-Avon, worked on a project with Escape Arts where participants from Stratford in Stitches and Creative Warm Hub groups created knitted hearts and produced messages to spread kindness to strangers. Recipients of these gifts included patients, families and staff at The Bards Hospice and Rother Street Doctors Surgery.

Photography student Jacob
Photography student Jacob was so pleased to have taken part in this work experience

Jacob learnt of Escape Arts by attending their Youth Club. After enquiring about work experience opportunities, Escape Arts suggested their upcoming project for Random Acts of Kindness Day.

As part of his role, Jacob helped set up for the event, helped with hospitality, designed and created items and then took photos of the event for use on social media and to document the day.

Jacob comments: “I really enjoyed being social and interacting with others and to be so creative. I got more of an insight into taking photos in a public setting and taking pictures of people in action, so it was really useful for my learning. It was so nice to be part of such a positive project; spreading kindness!”

Here are some of the items created by Jacob and other participants and photographed by Jacob himself

Gill Cleeve, Ops and Volunteer Manager for Escape Arts, was so pleased to have Jacob work on the project. She commented: “Jacob involved himself with the participants from the start, talking to them and supporting them with their activity where needed; having that extra pair of hands really made a difference, especially for those who needed some 1-2-1 attention. The session also gave Jacob an opportunity to take photos and use his creative skills, relevant to his college course. We would absolutely love to welcome Jacob back to Escape Arts, he was a credit to himself and to the College.”

She also highlighted why Escape Arts are passionate about providing work experience opportunities for young people: “Being able to give young people inclusive and meaningful work experience opportunities has always been at the forefront of Escape Arts ethos. They can apply for a one-week placement or choose to fulfil a required number of hours over several weeks or months. They will learn about working with a range of different people, how to develop wellbeing through arts and heritage, and even create their own project using their existing creative skills. We hope during their time with us, they will learn new skills, build their confidence and be part of a fun, friendly and professional team who will support them all the way.”

group photo for random acts of kindness project
Here is the group photo taken by Jacob of some of the participants on the project

Jacob was incredibly proud of his work on the project and is keen to take as many work experience opportunities during his course as possible to prepare him for a career in photography.

Find out more about the College’s Photography course: Photography