Photography students enjoy virtual masterclass

26th October 2020

As teaching continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic, Photography students from Stratford-upon-Avon College have been making the most of virtual masterclass sessions from industry role models.

Photography teaching staff at the College have been using virtual teaching not only as a solution but rather as an advanced tool to enrich student encounters with industry professionals.

Photography lecturer Sophie Jolly and fellow colleagues have partnered up with students to identify successful artists whose careers and roles appeal to them. Tutor Sophie explains: “Within the department we have been trying to raise students’ aspirations during this difficult time and online teaching has offered us increasing potential and scope to do this.”

Two images merged of Student with Luke Wilson taking photos
Photography student Meg Edwards on a location shoot in Japan with Luke Wilson

The first visit of this nature took place recently when Luke Wilson, a media professional with extensive experience in the industry working with big brands such as BMW, was invited to speak to students. Meg Edwards, photography student at the College, had completed work experience with Luke during the course and established a great connection with him.

Sophie comments: “I spoke to Meg about her work experience with Luke and her location shoot at a car race in Japan with him last year and I decided he’d be ideal for our students to hear from, so I contacted him.”

Luke, owner of Zero Media, specialises in videography and filming, mainly shooting cars and car products. He offered students an insightful and empowering talk in which he revealed the challenges of working in the industry and offered valuable advice. Student Meg noted: “Luke gave lots of useful advice, such as “always give back with favours to those that help you and keep training, keep practicing.”

Staff and students inspired by Luke’s success story: “He was brilliant and really appealed to our students and he has done some exciting projects that they could relate to.”

It promises to be an exciting year for the students, with more masterclasses lined up in the coming months. Coming up next will be a session with a photographer who has photographed celebrity weddings. He will discuss with students how he runs a successful business with the daily challenges that he faces having severe dyslexia.

Find out more about our Photography courses: Photography course