Public Services recruits put through their paces

15th September 2021

Public Services students at Stratford-upon-Avon College have experienced an action-packed first week on their course, tackling a range of physical activities and teambuilding exercises.

Following a record enrolment on the course, this year’s student recruits took part in fitness testing for the military and emergency services and had fun getting to know their new course mates as part of their induction process.

Sport & Uniformed Public Services Lecturer, Kimberley Jones, explained why the team have been putting students through their paces so early in the course: “We want to get the students engaged and committed to the course from the very beginning. This will enable them to achieve their full potential and hopefully lead to fulfilling careers in the armed forces and emergency services.”

Students enjoy getting to know each other in the sunshine

Students loved getting stuck in, with one commenting: “I have really enjoyed induction week and meeting other students on my course. It was well organised and we all had fun, especially doing the fitness tests and playing rounders on Shottery Fields. The lecturers are really friendly and helpful too and have made everyone feel welcome.”

Whether you’re interested in joining the police, the fire service or the armed forces, the College’s Public Service programmes are the perfect starting point.

Find out more about the College’s Public Services courses: Public Services courses