Public Services students brave the elements

9th May 2022

Public Services students from Stratford-upon-Avon College ventured North to the Peak District recently to brave the elements as part of a team building adventure.

Students embarked on a three-day residential experience and though they were met with damp weather and strong winds, had a fantastic time and learned valuable skills to apply to their learning.

The students worked in teams to complete an expedition that focused on navigation and teamwork. They also took part in other activities such as ‘dry’ river crossing, night lines and more.

Public Services lecturer, Oliver Wilkins, was extremely pleased with the groups efforts on the trip: “The students were a pleasure to take. Not only working well on the activities but also helping with the cooking and cleaning.”

The trip finished with an extraction hike to a finish point and a final debrief. The trip allowed for the students to accomplish a lot of valuable criteria for their course as well as bond as a group.

Philip Trilloe, Head of Sport and Public Services, was extremely proud of how the students took on the challenges. He commented: “Well done to all the students. The trips are an invaluable part of the course.” Oliver Wilkins added: “All of the Public Services staff are very proud of the students!”

Find out more about the College's Public Services courses: Public Services courses