Sports enthusiast set on road to success

3rd June 2019

A Stratford-upon-Avon College graduate has overcome disability to excel at university, putting him on track to achieve his dreams of becoming a teacher.

Jamie Grant studied on the College’s Sport programme before attending the University Of Worcester, where he has just received a first class honours degree in Disability Sports Coaching Science.

Jamie explained “Sport has always been my passion and I was determined to make a career out of the hobby I love. “

While he developed an obsession for football from an early age – “Watching Tottenham Hotspur beat Chelsea in the league cup final in 2008 is still one of the greatest moments in my life!” – he has recently discovered a passion for wheelchair basketball, having found that many of his friends take part in the sport.

Jamie Grant Sport alumnus
Stratford-upon-Avon College graduate Jamie Grant

Speaking about why he chose to specialise in coaching disabled sportspeople, Jamie explained that he was inspired by his own disabilities. “I have autism and ADHD and I wanted to understand the pedagogy involved in coaching people with physical and cognitive disabilities.”

Jamie enrolled at the College without GCSEs in English and Maths, but, with the support and encouragement of his teachers, he achieved both qualifications while simultaneously studying on his Sport programme.

Now, Jamie is set to continue his journey at Worcester University, where he will study a PGCE in secondary PE. Eager to pass on his knowledge and experiences to young people, Jamie is looking forward to learning more about teaching styles and also how to teach different sports to students.

With all he has achieved, Jamie is confident that the College is to thank for his success and the great future ahead of him. “Stratford College was instrumental in my development, not just academically but also as a human being. The staff ensured I was prepared for university both in terms of work-load management and engaging with professionals.

“Overall, my experience and time at the College was amazing. I met some lifelong friends and learnt valuable life lessons.”

Find out more about the College's Sport courses: Sport courses