A student from Stratford-upon-Avon College has been appointed as Student Governor for both Stratford-upon-Avon College and its partner, Solihull College & University Centre.
Vic Gwozdz, 18 from Meon Vale, is in her second year of the Level 3 Health & Social Care course at Stratford-upon-Avon College and is undertaking this position alongside her studies.

As Student Governor, Vic will attend Governor meetings and represents the student voice in the decision-making process.
Vic enjoys her Health & Social Care course due to it’s practical and hands on nature. But succeeding in her course was not enough for her. She initially became involved with the Student Enrichment team and became a student Rep for Stratford during her first year.
She volunteers at a range of events at the College, helping to plan and run events such as Youth Against Racism, Transgender Awareness, Pride celebrations and charity fundraisers.
Vic has taken part in a range of activities to raise money and awareness for a variety of causes
Vic is passionate about making a difference and that is why she then ran for the Student Governor position: “Being Student Governor means I will get an inside look at the decision-making process at college and I can help make an impact.”
Barbara Hughes, the College’s Chair of Governors, is very pleased to welcome Vic as the new Student Governor, and details why the role is so important: “The student governor provides a valuable first-hand insight into the views and experience of learners at the College. Governors make significant decisions about strategic direction, financial status and maintaining a safe environment at the College. They must ensure that they listen to staff, students and the local community with compassion and understanding. The role of student governor helps to achieve this goal.
Vic is enthusiastic, keen to learn and willing to contribute her voice to discussions. Her passion got her the role above others. She will be a real asset to the governing body.”
Vic’s tutor Lucy Carrington, details further how Vic is suited to this role: “Vic has been very motivated to support her fellow students and get involved in the life of the college. Vic has continued to develop her knowledge and understanding of equal opportunities and equality & diversity during the Health & Social Care course. Her work placement experience has underpinned the importance of inclusivity and communication, she also demonstrated that she is a team player and uses her initiative.”
So what is next for Vic? As well as her new role as Student Governor, Vic will be running for the role of Stratford Officer as well as continuing working with student enrichment to run events throughout the year: “I’m very excited to be a part of any event that goes on and even to start running my own!”
She hopes to complete her course and go to university where she will continue to get involved in raising awareness, making a difference and take part in as many enrichment opportunities as possible.
Engaging in these activities has been a wonderful experience for Vic and she recommends getting involved to other students: “It is good to get out of your comfort zone. It is the best decision I have ever made. My confidence has increased and now I am confident speaking in public and making my opinions heard. It’s also so important to raise issues and awareness.”
Congratulations Vic on your appointment. We are excited to see the impact you will have!