Students benefit from college’s free distance learning

15th July 2021

Local people have been benefitting from Stratford-upon-Avon College’s range of free distance learning courses.

The College offers a wide range of distance learning courses across a range of disciplines. Clare Mann, Office Manager at Mid-Tech Services saw an advertisement on Instagram, she says: “I found the courses on offer interesting and working for an ISO accredited organisation, I wanted to add value to the business as well as enhancing my own professional development.”

Clare has completed two distance learning courses with the College so far. Speaking of her experience, she comments: “I found both the courses I studied, Customer Care and Mental Health First Aider, equip you with transferable skills. I have gained a better understanding of situations and how to deal with them.”

The course structure offers independence and flexibility. Clare explains: “It was very adaptable and I could do it at work during lunch hours, at home and even in my garden. It wasn’t rigid and if you needed a deadline extension, the tutors were very flexible and understanding. I had complete control with a support network at the end of an email who would speedily reply to any queries.”

All courses are accredited, and the assessments are marked by an allocated tutor who is there to provide guidance, support, and detailed feedback. Clare states: “I’ve already implemented the skills I’ve developed within the workplace, and I am better equipped at supporting my clients by incorporating things I’ve learnt. I would highly recommend the courses that are on offer.”

Find out more about the College’s free Distance Learning courses: Distance Learning courses