Public Services students from Stratford-upon-Avon College took on a new challenge as they took part in mock interview sessions to prepare for their future careers.
Students who are in their second year of the Public Services course had interviews with a range of potential employers including the RAF, the Police and Border Force.

Students were allocated a twenty-minute window where they would be interviewed in a style similar to what they will find in each forces selection process. If they had a special interest in a certain service, the student could elect to experience their chosen career option. Otherwise, they were randomly assigned to get a feel for the process.
The event was organised by the College’s Careers Team. The team work all year round with students to ensure they have access to good quality, impartial information to help them make informed decisions for the future. As well as this, they organise events and opportunities for students to experience different career options in a more practical way.
Helen Waldram-Tingling, a Careers Advisor at the college, detailed why the event had been organised: “It is important for students to develop confidence in their interviewing skills and to be able to market their skills correctly to the right audience. In the Civil Service the application process can be different, so this prepares them for specific interview scenarios.”
One of the members of the Police, Dom Be-Jeary, discussed why they assisted in this exercise: “I think it brings a reality to where they are heading. Also, these students have been in education for a long time, so this is a professional experience that allows an insight into working life. But also, to gain that insight in a friendly environment where questions can be asked.”
The students found the sessions very useful. Caitlin Cowen Jones, 17, had her interview with Sarah Blackford from the RAF: “It is great to be able to gain more knowledge about what the actual interview process will be like. This is the career path I want to follow so was a great opportunity.”