Students showcase talents at Pursuits Festival

24th May 2024

Students from Stratford-upon-Avon College recently showcased their talent at Stratford Pursuits Festival and raised awareness and money for charity in the process.

The Stratford Pursuits Festival was held in the heart of Stratford-upon-Avon on the Recreational Grounds and featured live music, food & drink and free activities as it celebrated the best in local music, dance, theatre, art, history, literature, sports and wellbeing. The students were thrilled to be a part of an exciting new arts event for the local and wider community.

Over the weekend, Photography students hosted a stall selling their photography work which involved prints, t-shirts, badges, zines, bags, tea towels, keyrings, cards, gift tags and postcards, with all proceeds going to charity.

jacob running the photography stall

They were also joined on the Saturday by Dance students who performed their latest show Disconnected, a thought-provoking piece highlighting the issue of addiction to devices, social media influences and body dysmorphia.

For the Photography students, this was a fantastic opportunity to showcase their incredible work to the public and help a fantastic cause – raising over £300 pounds for The Brain Tumour Charity.

Check out some of the items on offer at the students stall

The charity was chosen thanks to Photography student Jacob Walmsley-Jones. After a brain tumour diagnosis a few days before his 10th birthday and a subsequent operation on his 10th birthday (which was 10 hours long!), it was the recognition of his experience which inspired the choice of charity 10 years later.

Students met many adults and children over the weekend that had suffered from brain tumours, or they had known people that had unfortunately passed, and it was heart warming to speak to them and listen to their stories.

Congratulations to all students and staff who took part in a highly successful festival.

Photography prints are still available, with proceeds going to the Brain Tumour Charity. Click here to find out more.

Find out more about the College’s Photography course: Photography