UPS students receive visits from the British Armed Services

5th February 2024

Uniformed Protective Services students from Stratford-upon-Avon College received an insight into life in the British Armed Services recently as they received visits from the Royal Air Force, Navy and Army.

The course is designed to not only prepare students for careers in a range of Protective Services job roles but also to give students the chance to learn about the different career paths directly from members of those services.

Army visits UPS students
The students found the visit from Corporal Gandy from the Army really interesting

The latest session was led by Corporal Gandy who has 15 years of service in the Army. He commented: “This session aimed to give the students an insight into this career. Quite often peoples first thought about the army is just infantry but there are so many other options. And hopefully the session has steered anyone who was considering this type of career into going for it – it’s a great career path!”

Students have already enjoyed visits from Jim Pearsons, Royal Marine and Assistant Career Advisor from the Armed Forces Career Office to speak about life in the Royal Navy, followed by a session from Sergeant Andy Chambers from the Royal Airforce who gave an insight into routes into the service and led a practical session which focused on developing leadership, teamwork and communication skills.

Sergeant Andy Chambers pictured left and Jim Pearsons pictured right

Uniformed Protective Services lecturer, Oli Wilkins, described why getting so many visitors from the different services is beneficial for students: “It so useful as it provides them with the most up-to-date information and with knowledge and experiences that are current. It allows for students to ask questions and hopefully gain a much clearer knowledge of employment opportunities within that service.”

He continued: “These visits give a clear insight in to how our modern-day Public Services operate and the employment opportunities that are available. Also, how these services can provide students with qualifications and further build on their confidence and vision.”

Find out more about the College’s Uniformed Protective Services course: Uniformed Protective Services